I think my creative thoughts have left me in the lurch and so I have just titled it "Little Girl." I feel more comfortable painting birds and animals than people but hope this one appeals to someone out there.
To those who left comments and did not get a response my sincere apologies. We have a number of email addresses and all are monitored through a programme called e-prompter which uses a different colour button that flashes for each mail box when new mail arrives. Ordinarily I will be notified of new mail within 15 min of its arrival.
The last 2 weeks or so the little green button has not announced any new mail for this blog. By this afternoon I was starting to feel forgotten and neglected and decided to check the mailbox, lo and behold there were about 50 new messages.
I am not sure how or why this mailbox fell through the cracks and was not monitored but in future I will check the mail box regularly to make sure I do not miss any important mail. Thank you all for your comments I will try to respond to them all tonight.